Canon 40D, EFS 28-135 IS, 1/60, f/3.5, 28 mm, ISO 100

Canon Rebel XT, EFS 28-135 IS, 1/200, f/8, 33 mm, ISO 400
After yet another dry spell I got the urge to post something today for some reason… so here we go.
After 3 years of living in our house it is still devoid of pictures for the most part. I don’t know why, we just haven’t put pics up. So a few weeks ago I decided to change that… at least a little bit.
We got the above pictures printed out as 20×30 posters and they now hang in our bedrooms. Dallin loves trains and so we hung that in his room right above the foot of his bed where he can see it easily as he lies down. He absolutely loved it the first few nights and would be so excited to go lay down and see it.
The other one is when Daniel was a week old and we layed Dallin and Daniel down for the first time to take some pics together. It was so fun to watch Dallin interact with him and to be so good and careful around him.
I really enjoy my hobby of photography, but naturally am worried as I see the total amount spent on equipment continue to rise. But then there are these special moments that you are able to capture and then (finally) hang on your wall to enjoy that help offset those costs.
We also printed this one poster size for our living room. We love going to see the hot air balloons so it is a great reminder of the fun we had.